Halo Brace

An Important Promoter of Healing for Neck Injuries!

Neck injuries, particularly spinal injuries and fractures of the cervical vertebrae (the part of the spine in the neck) are painful and notoriously difficult to treat. They heal slowly, in part because of the tension and forces placed upon the neck by the head. With spine or neck fractures, which can result from trauma or other injury, movement is painful, and healing is often times slow. This is exacerbated by the high mobility of neck, which people know from every day experience usually allows the head an extremely high degree of mobility.

A halo brace is a piece of medical equipment designed to immobilize the neck as much as feasible, in order to promote healing and reduce pain. As the name implies, a halo neck brace, also known as a cervical collar, consists of a "halo" type structure, which is attached to the skull with pins and support structures. Emerging from the "halo" is typically a series of metal rods which attach to a vest, worn about the upper back and shudders. The combination is designed to minimize the movement of the neck and spine in this region. Of the various types of neck braces and cervical collars currently in use, the halo brace is among the best in minimizing the amount of motion and thereby promoting healing and regeneration.

Because of the delicate nature of the spine in the neck region, injuries can be notoriously difficult to treat. With the use of cervical collars, back support products, back support belts, and halo braces, many fractures can heal and fuse in up to eighty five percent of patients within three months. Users of halo braces should not attempt to adjust these medical devices on their own. Proper usage and adjustments should be made in consultation with their surgeon, typically a specialist in orthopedics and neck injuries.